Tempts Fate started as a fun way to create a donation meter. I drew a few pictures of a goblin either surviving or dying in various traps depending on how donations went. As the concept grew and Tempts became almost a comic of his own, I tried to find new ways for the whole thing to be original and fun. I started coming up with ways for readers to help Tempts along without ever donating a penny.
This all came to a screeching halt however, with my idea for a visual, play-by-post Tempts Fate game. I wrote a dungeon crawl, filled it with rooms, traps and monsters and set up a system in which readers could adventure through the crawl, gather magical gear and help Tempts fight an entire army. I drew goblin body types, hair styles, jewelry and hundreds of various weapons and armour bits each sized in a way so they could all be put together by myself in a sort of virtual paper-doll manner. My plan was to have readers email me their actions, so I could email them the game's reactions and update the picture of their character on the site. When the game, which was to be Tempts Fate's ninth adventure, launched last year, I was amazed to find that in under 48 hours, I had over a thousand character submissions with no sign of the emails slowing down. Accepting defeat, I realised that I could never handle that many characters and so I reluctantly took the Tempts Fate 9 down.
Since then, I have tried to find a cheap way to turn the game into an online automated version to allow everyone to play without me needing to manually handle each move. Those of you who have been waiting know that it hasn't been happening. One person in particular has been great with working on programming the game but as both of us have full time jobs that must take priority, it's been a very uphill battle.
I miss Tempts Fate and judging by the emails I've been getting asking when he's coming back, so do some of you. So for now, I must reluctantly shelf the game idea and let poor Tempts get back to doing what he does best, tempting fate. Maybe one day the game will happen in some form. I've still got a mountain of artwork for this project just sitting here.
When Tempts Fate 9 launched and crashed all those months ago, I had gotten some donations from readers. Since it would be unfair for those donations to go uncounted, I've transferred that money onto this Tempts adventure, giving us a bit of a head start.
Also, in the interest in doing new, interactive things with Tempts, I've added The Door to this adventure. It's a way for people to take part in helping Tempts without donating any money. I hope you guys like it.
Note: The site is still under construction, so some pages are pretty messed up. That's being worked on.
As always, thanks for reading.