Audio ads, as you probably know, are those ads that spew out annoying sound while you're trying to browse a site. It's been brought to my attention by a few annoyed readers that Goblins sometimes shows an audio ad.
I hate audio ads. I hate them more than I hate brussel sprouts, and I hate brussel sprouts. Keenspot manages the ad rotation on my site and they hate audio ads too, that's why they've blocked them from Goblins and their other sites. However, some audio ads are still getting through and somehow making their way onto my comic. I hate this more than I hate brussel sprouts with an earwax center, and I hate brussel sprouts with an earwax center. I've contacted the Keenspotian Gods about this and I'm going to do everything I can to stop this from ever happening again, because I hate this. I hate it more than I hate brussel sprouts with an earwax center dusted in powdered glass, and I hate brussel sprouts with an earwax center dusted in powdered glass. In the meantime, please bear with me.
As always, thanks for reading.
PS - Brussel sprouts are yucky.